
所有型號 | Cobra 33 | Cobra 38 | Futura 36 | Futura 40 Grand Horizon |
曾是歐洲最強大的國家——波蘭,現以製造中小型遊艇而聞名。Cobra Yachts 憑著優厚的傳統文化、對造船的熱情和對品質的堅持,Cobra Yachts 領先業界,在Wind and Water Fair 2019 勇奪兩個獎項。以其強大性能、優美設計和精湛工藝,Cobra 38 獲得 「Gwóźdź Targów」 大獎;Futura 40 Grand Horizon 獲得 「Distinction」 大獎。
Cobra Yachts是一家家族企業,擁有18年的建築行業經驗。Cobra Yahcts建在她在波蘭Radomsko的造船廠。每艘遊艇均為手工製作,符合最高標準。與其他品牌不同,Cobra Yahcts 允許您在各個細項選擇您的配置,因為唯有這樣,您才可以真正擁有一艘適合自己和獨一無異的海上之舟。
ALL MODELS | Spirit 585 | Spirit 450C | Spirit 350S / 350C | Spirit 320 | Spirit 290
AquaSpirit 專注於開發和生產高品質的鋁製硬底充氣船。 AquaSpirit擁有數十年建造船隻經驗的專家。所有船隻均具有歐洲質量證書。AquaSpirit絕對是為您帶來樂趣,速度,穩定性和安全性的絕佳選擇。
SPIRIT 系列在典型的RIB船上進行新的開發,是我們經驗豐富的員工、先進的技術和高品質的材料的結合。時尚,符合人體工程學的設計,多樣化的產品範圍,最佳的重量和完美的性能特性無疑將滿足您的所有特殊要求。駕駛SPIRIT系列時的駕駛感和愉悅的情緒很難用語言表達,值得您自己經歷一次嗡嗡聲。
Aqua Inc. is all about the Passion and Spirits for Stand Up Paddle boarding.
We born on the Water, we live and breathe with stand up paddle Boarding. If we are not out on the water riding our paddle board we are working hard on Designing and Shaping your future board.
Our Team is part of the passionate stand up paddle board movement taking out the exciting sport to new extremes in performance paddle surf, racing and recreation.
Our main target to provide affordable, High Quality and durable Stand up Paddle boards for SUP lover, surfers and pro’s
A board you can enjoy for a long time.
No matter, what you demand, Surf, Flat Water or Ocean Down winding, we will have a board, which meets your requirements.
As part of the Aqua Inc., we also service other global well known brands with our dedicated team. Whether you order 1 or 10,000 boards in your own brand and shape, we will do our utmost best for you.
We would like to welcome you on Board of a Aqua Inc. Board and are always delighted to receive your great action pictures by email or through other media.

軟性直立板 |