Hong Kong is geographically surrounded by sea. Hong Kong is also one of the foremost city around the world in terms of social and economics. The popularity of yachts’ entertainment is supposed to be in the same league as the European countries.
However, recreational activities at sea have always been regarded as activities of the rich class in Hong Kong. The market has always been dominated by high-end yachts.
The fact is that the costing of yachts actually keeps decreasing because of strong competition among yacht-manufacturers.
Ross Yachts (Asia) Limited aims to mid-class by selling brand new yachts and reselling second-hand yachts. We also provide yachts-related products. Co-operating with online marketing (Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, website), we successfully enter the low-priced to mid-priced market. This also helps us promote the entertainment of sailing yachts.
We understand our friends are getting tired with the noisy and crowded city environment. Traditional recreational activities can not fulfill their entertainment need, neither.
We aim to bring some refreshing, new, adventurous activities to them. Imagine going to a silent island for a weekend; having fun with family with you harvest fishing. These are all nearby you and you can enjoy anytime you want.